In this lecture, 2017 Maps of Meaning 09: Patterns of Symbolic Representation, Jordan B. Peterson discuss the manner in which the fundamental symbolic archetypes are hijacked for the purposes of propaganda.
Tag: Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson – Free Speech, Psychology, Gender Pronouns
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Jordan Peterson (psychology professor) about psychology, free speech, gender pronouns and more. Dave and Jordan will be taking questions live.
2016 Lecture 03 Maps of Meaning: Part I: The basic story and its transformations
2016 Lecture 03 Maps of Meaning: Part I: The basic story and its transformations. A story tells about a journey from point a to point b. A revolutionary story, a meta-story, describes how one story was transformed by anomaly and crisis into another.
Biblical Series VIII: The Phenomenology of the Divine
In this lecture, Biblical Series VIII: The Phenomenology of the Divine, Jordan B. Peterson continues in the next series of stories. Peterson attempts to determine how are we, as modern people, to make sense of the idea of the God who reveals himself to a personality.
2017/03/11: Strengthen the Individual: Q & A Parts I & II
2017/03/11: Strengthen the Individual: Q & A Parts I & II is part I & II of the Question and Answer session that followed Jordan Peterson’s talk Saturday March 11 at the Ottawa Public Library.
2017 Personality 02/03: Historical & Mythological Context
Jordan Peterson provides some historical context for the understanding of personality, suggesting that the clinical theories, concerned with the transformation and improvement of personality and character, are embedded within a classic narrative/mythological structure.
Jordan Peterson – 12 principles for a 21st century conservatism
Jordan Peterson and his 12 principles for a 21st century conservatism. He spoke at Carleton Place, a town in Lanark County, 2017/06/15. attending an invitation by Randy Hillier, a Member of Provincial Parliament for Ontario.
Lecture: Biblical Series XI: Sodom and Gomorrah
Jordan Peterson’s lecture biblical Series XI: Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham opens his heart and hearth to the stranger. The denizens of Lot’s cities threaten them with violent rape. God exacts a terrible retribution. The warning is clear.
2017 Maps of Meaning 11: The Flood and the Tower
Jordan Peterson’s discussion of the beginning of Genesis, including the story of the Tower of Babel, which he reads as a very old warning about the danger of erecting something akin to a totalitarian/utopian secular state.
Twelve Rules for Life | Jordan Peterson | RSA Replay
Twelve Rules for Life | Jordan Peterson | RSA Replay. That was streamed live on Jan 16, 2018.