Freedom of speech is important in order to keep your mind organized. Without free speech there is no true thought. “The reason you think is so that your thoughts can die instead of you”.
Category: Videos
Jordan Peterson – Why Freedom of Speech is Not Just Another Value
The reasons that free speech must be paramount among the intrinsic rights. There is no difference between free speech and free thought, for starters, and without free thought, it is impossible to know oneself or the world.
Jonathan Pageau – Janus, the two-faced god of January
Jonathan Pageau exploring the rich and enigmatic symbolism of the Janus, the two-faced god of January, after whom this month is named, connecting this pagan deity to the themes of transition, thresholds, and the duality of light and darkness.
How Switzerland’s obsession with guns is different
How Switzerland’s obsession with guns is different. To understand why there’s such a stark difference between these two countries’ gun cultures, we traveled to Switzerland to see how each of these cultures started, and where they began to part ways.
Jonathan Pageau – Symbolism of the Christmas Tree
Jonathan Pageau talks about the symbolism of the Christmas Tree, something that can help us not only to understand the tree itself, but also understand how symbolism works.
Q & A 2016 07 July: Disney Propaganda and Why Bashing Religion Doesn’t Make You Smart
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson — a University of Toronto Professor, clinical psychologist, and author of Maps of Meaning — Talks about Disney propaganda and why bashing religion doesn’t make you smart.
Lecture: Biblical Series VII: Walking with God: Noah and the Flood
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson intermingle the story of Noah and his survival with elements of the Sermon on the Mount, making the effort to explain to a modern audience why careful moral attitude and behavior comprises the best defence against “the righteous anger of God.”
Padre José Eduardo – Memória de São Felipe Neri
Homilia do Padre José Eduardo em memória de São Felipe Neri, feita no dia 26 de maio de 2020. São Felipe Neri era um grande orador sacro e exímio teólogo e conhecia soberbamente a doutrina católica.
Jordan Peterson – What Marx got wrong
Jordan Peterson discusses capitalism, the Pareto distribution and what Marx got wrong. It’s not the same people, it’s the same proportion of people at the top.
Lecture: 2017 Maps of Meaning 01: Context and Background
Jordan B. Peterson discusses the context within which the theory he was delineating through this course emerge: that of the cold war. What is belief? Why is it so important to people? Why will they fight to protect it?