Bestselling author Tom Woods addresses the Texas State Libertarian Convention, June 9, 2012.
Lecture: Biblical Series X: Abraham: Father of Nations
Lecture: Biblical Series X: Abraham: Father of Nations is the tenth lecture of Jordan Peterson’s 12-part initial Biblical lecture series. This lecture was held on Aug 8, 2017.
Joe Rogan Experience #1070 – Jordan Peterson
Joe Rogan Experience with Jordan Peterson (#1070), a clinical psychologist and tenured professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.
Joe Rogan Experience #1139 – Jordan Peterson
Joe Rogan Experience with Jordan Peterson (#1139), a clinical psychologist and tenured professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.
Wealth Inequality in America
Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actual numbers.
2017 Personality 18: Biology & Traits: Openness/Intelligence/Creativity I
Jordan Peterson talks about Big Five trait openness to experience, which is the dimension composed of an amalgam of creativity and intelligence. He also talks about IQ.
2017/04/10: Harvard Talk: Postmodernism & the Mask of Compassion
Jordan Peterson was invited to talk at Harvard University about Postmodernism & the Mask of Compassion, on the use of compassion as a mask for the advance of the profoundly anti-western postmodern and neomarxist doctrines.
2017 Personality 13: Existentialism via Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag
The dreadful socio-political consequences of the individual inauthentic life: the degeneration of society into nihilism or totalitarianism
Bolonha Club
Uns vídeos que a gente faz meio bêbado e com má vontade, ensinando a fazer uns rangos, life hacks, falando de videogame, cerveja e outras coisas. Com certeza algo de útil você vai aproveitar.
12 Rules for Life – An Antidote to Chaos & Live Q&A | Jordan Peterson on Rubin Report
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Jordan Peterson about his upcoming book “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos”.