Dr. Jordan B. Peterson intermingle the story of Noah and his survival with elements of the Sermon on the Mount, making the effort to explain to a modern audience why careful moral attitude and behavior comprises the best defence against “the righteous anger of God.”
Padre José Eduardo – Memória de São Felipe Neri
Homilia do Padre José Eduardo em memória de São Felipe Neri, feita no dia 26 de maio de 2020. São Felipe Neri era um grande orador sacro e exímio teólogo e conhecia soberbamente a doutrina católica.
Jordan Peterson – What Marx got wrong
Jordan Peterson discusses capitalism, the Pareto distribution and what Marx got wrong. It’s not the same people, it’s the same proportion of people at the top.
Lecture: 2017 Maps of Meaning 01: Context and Background
Jordan B. Peterson discusses the context within which the theory he was delineating through this course emerge: that of the cold war. What is belief? Why is it so important to people? Why will they fight to protect it?
2017 Personality 21: Biology & Traits: Performance Prediction
Peterson talks about the thorny problem of predicting performance: academic, industrial, creative and entrepreneurial); about the practical utility of such prediction, in the business and other environments; about the economic value of accurate prediction
2017 Personality 07: Carl Jung and the Lion King (Part 1)
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson uses Disney’s Lion King to further illustrate the basic principles of the personality and clinical theories of Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, student of Nietzsche and Freud, originator of analytical psychology.
Como monetizar um canal no YouTube a jato
Peter Jordan, no seu “Nerds de Negócios”, dá dicas de como monetizar um canal no YouTube a jato. É um pouco abstrato e talvez não funcione pra tudo, mas também dá uns aspectos interessantes a observar.
Como ser pago 5000 mil pelo Google por mês sem aparecer
Peter Jordan, em seu Nerds de Negócios, dá dicas de como ser pago 5000 mil pelo Google por mês sem aparecer. Publicado originalmente em 13 de setembro de 2024.